Professional Upholstery Cleaning
Jay's Carpet Cleaning professional technicians use safe and proven methods for a deep, healthy cleaning. You can trust our powerful extraction equipment and cleaning solutions to offer the best cleaning available.

1. Careful and Thorough
All upholstery being cleaned needs to be identified, examined, and tested for cleanability and sensitivities. You will be clearly informed of our findings and any predictions.
4. Preconditioning
The best cleaning will then be applied to suspend soils and loosen any foreign matter.
2. Dry Soil Removal
Vacuuming is an important part of the cleaning process of all upholstery fabrics. Removing the dry particulates and soil is essential prior to any wet solutions being introduced to the fabric.
5. Rinse Extraction
A complete and thorough rinse extraction of the upholstery fibers will remove all preconditioning detergent and suspended soils. This is done to remove any sticky residues, which helps to prevent re-soiling.
3. Pre-Spotting
Special cleaning agents will be used in the treatment of stains, spills and spots on the upholstery. Fabric safety will remain paramount while we work to remove persistent spots.
6. Application of Fabric
(Done at request of customer, charges apply)After the upholstery has been rinsed and extracted, a reapplication of your fabric protection will be applied. This invisible field of protection will assist in the future removal of spots and spills and with your regular vacuuming for dry soil removal.